Matcha Honey Marshmallows

Super cute cutouts of these matcha honey marshmallows to match the Christmas holiday season, perfect to go with a cup of homemade hot chocolate.

Makes 1 9x13 inch pan sized


1 cup of water, divided in half

280g granulated sugar

135g honey

21g gelatin powder

1 tbsp matcha powder

Powdered sugar, for dusting

Candy thermometer, to measure the temperature of the sugar mixture


1. Line a 9x13 inch pan with parchment paper. Grease the parchment paper with some butter and dust it with some powdered sugar.

2. In a bowl, add in the gelatin powder and 1/2 cup of water and let the gelatin bloom for about 10 minutes.

3. In a deep saucepan over a stovetop, add in the remaining 1/2 cup water, sugar and honey. Stir it occasionally while heating until the mixture starts to simmer. Stop stirring after that to prevent crystallization. Use a candy thermometer to monitor the mixture temperature. Let the mixture heat up to about 230F-235F. *Be careful during this step as the sugar mixture is extremely hot and may bubble up because of the honey - make sure to use a deep enough saucepan*

4. Once the sugar mixture reaches to the temperature, remove it from the stovetop. Pour the mixture into a mixing bowl from a stand mixer with a whisk attachment. Let the mixture cool to about 215F before whisking.

5. Once the sugar mixture cools down to about 215F, add in the bloomed gelatin. Turn on the mixer at the lowest speed and whisk until the gelatin is melted. Increase the mixer speed to medium high, and whisk the mixture for about 10 minutes. The mixture should triple in size and would turn to a slightly white color.

6. Reduce the speed to low, add in the matcha powder and slowly whisk it until the matcha powder is fully incorporated into the marshmallow mixture.

7. Pour the mixture to the prepared pan and level it off with an offset spatula. Let it set overnight (uncovered).

8: The next day, before removing it from the pan, dust it with some powdered sugar. Flip the marshmallow over onto a working bench and remove the parchment paper. Dust it with more powdered sugar and flip it over again so that the smooth size is facing upward. Cut out the marshmallows into desired shapes. *Dusting powdered sugar helps prevent the marshmallows from sticking to the working bench.

9. Add these lovely marshmallow to your favorite holiday drink like a classic hot chocolate or matcha latte and enjoy!


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